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How do you make a dream kitchen?

Writer: homularhomular

Welcome if you are brand-new this is going to be full modular kitchen tour a that's been requested a lot and one that to do for so long now thought be really nice to go through everything in our kitchen and much more finer detail. So have things in certain places chose certain design elements the house wise books it's everything that's go into a lot more detail first of all want to talk through chose his kitchen and where got it from this kitchen is from kitchens had this idea in mind that wanted inbuilt cabinets in an oak wood in a shaker style finish and wanted it in blue the whole time said to Alex really want this really dark blue kitchen with brass elements. So that's what went for and went to a brand new company called kitchens spoke with their a great and thought be a great team to work with so kind of set to work designing the whole thing and some put it together in 3d CAD and it was just perfect so in terms of the layout got quite a large big space and wanted to make the most of as much worked up space as possible is the chef in this kitchen so as well as want loads of work talk to and make sure that is much work tops are free and open as possible. So that can do loads and loads of different dishes and not be out of each other if say baking and outs of cooking so have these amazing work tops put in these are from Chandler stone works there a big stone masons and they're a Caesar stone and wanted them to be six 60 that's 6 centimeters thick was looking on Pinterest forward designer kitchen and got loads of inspiration of the types of kitchens the elements on the right and one thing kept coming back to was a really chunky kitchen worktop.

So this is a quartz we could have to marble just Everett every person that spoke to about the idea of marble workshop said do not do it mean marvel is beautiful it's just very porous and have Curry's a lot indian food source is chili hot sauce so was what if have marble it's get ruined within a year probably so let's stick to something far more durable which is quartz it looks just a marble top it's just the less porous and so happy with it both a little bit don't and in this thickness it's just chunky and it's a massive part of this kitchen and think it's one of their the coolest features in here and that wraps all the way around to the edges of sink and then two of the islands and the island is probably the pride and joy of this whole kitchen its enormous and again wanted this waterfall down side of it just because feel the beautiful veining that you get to see down the side at the core it's just so stunning and having such a huge slab this is perfect for wine you get friends and family around you nuts eat breakfast lunch and dinner every single day do have the dining room table but just tend to sit when on our own and just it's just beautiful have this island put in the previous owners didn't really make much use of this space and were let's stick huge island in here it's going to be used all the time so let's talk a bit more about the idea that's elapsed and here so when I started designing the island knew wanted first of all a breakfast bar so did that area for stools what also want to make sure made as much use all the breakfast bar and the island for storage and putting away as much as possibly could so in have two huge cupboard spaces to keep drawers one of which keep all of our plates and bowls can't even imagine how heavy this must be in here have these wooden pests it's got pin board backing so that's kind of cool to break up all of it bowls plates and then beneath it you might keep all of that pants you know somewhat tidy haven't tidied all these drills just so you know before you start teaching they're not all super tiny but it's giving you a bit of an idea of where store things have our wine rack and the choice was wine rack or wine fridge figured nights don't drink wine in abundance mean wine at the moment but don't usually have wine every single night it's fault fridge might be a little bit redundant anything want to drink in terms of wine you can stick in the fridge beforehand.

So instead went for a wine rack and glue so that you can get 12 different bottles in here this it's already pretty much full right now with a lot of champagne still left over from our wedding things are our engagement. so that's captain a look of it and lightly the way this little bottles lined up and then the very final drawer over here which put in again the cement use of this space that every single drawer every single cabinet was designed fully with something in mind so went with a really lovely thin drawer but wanted to put spices and if organizing collection some super this is where keep all the extra column of spices and then baking goods just down there as well so it's very sweet all tucked away on the opposite side also have maybe 30 40 centimeters worth of cupboard space it just goes right underneath the stools again just wanted to make as much usage of that space it's pot so keep all folders in there and all of our water bottles and things that so it really is used this island big time working back towards the windows side of the kitchen wanted the sink here underneath the window just thought it was so nice kind of look out when doing dishes not do that very often do make a lot of use of the dishwasher it just nicely tucked away inside of you surely don't see bits and bobs in here it's just a gosh easy-peasy pretty pretty happy with it but it's just nice that it's tucked away behind the cupboard spokes. so everything is very seamless and which copper machine on top use this about 15 times a day very much recommend it and Siemens pricey but it makes a bloody good coffee and then above it put in this cabinet right there which holds our mugs and all of our cups that means it's right next to sink if you want a glass of water and all the mugs are if you want a coffee.

It's just for super ease of use and again so glad put that in because it just makes life so much easier and it has everything plus the dishwasher right know it's straight in straight out then the sink in beautiful taps as you can see the whole kitchen has this brass theme went for gorgeous handles from our which had this nailed finish on them and wanted taps it kind of matched it so these are from Perrin and row the quite classic sure you pull a scene in a lot of different kitchens them everywhere but they just look beautiful and also went for the matching parent and row hot tap must admit that mean drink coffees more than drink tea and that if were tea drinkers much heavier tea drinkers this would be used a lot personally think that it be more efficient for us to just kept kettle also mixed don't have that much hot water but it does look beautiful it does it serves. Its purpose if have Impostors or need hot water but do think if thinking of a hot tap if you have a lot of cups into your day then it's definitely worth it but it looks fantastic here and then this think went for this double they think what it's called a few different things never really know if got to call it but it's just something in beautifully finished with the gorgeous that course and just so happy with that think it's beautifully if put in this cupboard space it's a mess it's such a mess it's just full of cleaning goods and that's the hot-water tank down there as well so just take up a little bit of space but still got loads of room in there all about cleaning products let put that way that's embarrassing and then just something is a really slim cupboard just a really small slim cover to make use of our space again another of favorite features in are the quartz shelves wanted something in this corner that was more of a focal piece and started looking on pinched for different types of shelving inspiration and came across a picture where someone has the same quartz work top as shelves and was that's it that's exactly right at once so in kitchen is - book with still Masons they set it to do it so these are full quartz shelves and they look so beautiful with it and use those to keep our bowl and little much more of a it's not an ornamental set of shelves that's for sure but do use the milk and do you suppose this plant as can see is dead as a doornail right. now not took all the dead leaves artistic so it's looking a little bit sad and pathetic unfortunately what do still this plant it works back to normal soon hope does it give a few more details actually because know awfully miss in life the mugs are the bowls are jean-louis are from the Rick Stein collection this is a cute little teapot from home sense. This is all of a bonus that was home and the prints see around the kitchen are from dicenio-- and this this is as well so it's a nice little mix of a few bits and bobs again when was designed up this kitchen was found it was all about making the most of every little ounce of space. so in the corner as put these really cool corner unit however are not using them right now at all which of criteria this is a lot of storage space.

so admit use this to still on dish drainer so if ever washing up any dishes will get this out but do offer to use it too much but let show you how this works it's kind of cool pulls out this and then pulls forward and then this side pulls out of it that means can use. Every little answer base right to the back of that cupboard so that is such a cool feature and one highly recommend but got that there ready for when may have kids or just happen to get loads more pots so the next set of drawers are all just full off utensils and little bits of cutlery to be honest again and sorry but you know this is just wooden spoon straws can think this is crazy messy but it's full of everything that use and then the same in the bottom but really handy for and his cooking skills and then again to a really focal point of the kitchen were really lucky with this oven that this was when moved in it's the thing in the kitchen. That kept because it's all a camp oven and it's a French brand really quite famous and it's quite phonetic start looking for a new oven and what to put in the kitchen and then as found they sprout and stuff up all the couch looks nice then realized actually couch was already so stuck with it and it's actually fantastic it works fine it's a little bit old and a at times but it really works for what needed for it's beautiful it looks a little bit thin to do because of this of in town and but kind of that juxtaposition is such a completely clean and clean line space this is a little bit bin touch. a little bit a little bit doing it's not quite that and a clue this happily found this tucked away on top of an old fridge that was in here and it's amazing that's cooking fried eggs and pancake and should do that more delicious but super handy to have that and then above. it found this gorgeous Meg cooker hood have to have this imported in from Italy because once they do this to something think in UK they don't do it in black and brass and officer the whole vibe of the kitchen is the breath finishes. so that's why really wanted this so and managed to get this important over from Italy and Unsoeld rocks it just matches perfectly with the oven and the rest of the aesthetics. So say before you can see here a little bit better the arm at Martin handles these are called the spark Brook candles and these are one of the first design features chose before even designed the whole kitchen because saw them look those are the handles that need for this modular kitchen and it kind of helped us to work out what color wanted on the cabinets.

As well so this is kind of a little bit of everything in originally had our knives and forks over in that drawer and then decided that that and then used this drawer much more so ended up being the cutlery over so now have our cutlery tray so that's cutlery and everything else is just bits and bars extra the cruzi and extra tea towels in if you know what's in those are just our baking trays and things that next cupboard is the bit and again wanted a bin a way not to sauce up there so integrated that and it's great to look at double bed got a recycling and a it super easy lives that for what cooking straight into the bin with anything that need and then just repeat please keep extra bin liners in that top shelf there really nicely on straight away this cool but again. it's just nothing at the moment keep bits of Tupperware in it and that's about it but again it's another corner shelf unit. So it makes all of the room of behind and the back of it then built in the microwave again want the microwave out on the worktop it was very much about an integrated kitchen. So pushed it in works really well it's got this a really unnecessary feature it's touch to open great comment there looks kinda nice and slick. When everything else again not even sure it's a cover because it's such a mess keep loads of paperwork in all of the info cards for the different electrics in or in there. It's a mess completeness and then got two really tall covers which again and is full of filling virus it's such a mess again let's lower the storage space and the same against there and keep up just keep a few of our again little electronic gadget and then have it the fridge another pride and joy of the kitchen and it matches. with the cooker hoods are a little pair was a favorite thing about this is the ice and freezing cold water unit really just have this plugged in but it's already used 1,500 times a day it is really really great try showing aside. Which was a kitchen organization leave it linked not clean this a time for it's looking so great it is a load of space it is ample for what now it's need ounces hot sauce collection got a lot of fruit and vege right.

Now because have the odd box delivery it's quite often but it's really great huge size and then have our furrows in goods and that's just the ice in there and a lot of frozen coffee ready for our coffee morning but it is absolutely beautiful and would highly recommend it to be honest if looking for a really slick for freezer so move around the back of the kitchen again this would have been a really empty open wall so thought why not stick a load more storage in it and really wanted a glass cabinet mainly for Starbucks mug collection know so many of Colette and Starbucks milks every time show them those if you comment about it but got here 14 here so sure have more than that and got a couple of little espresso cups but collected these and road trip around America and these are all that brought back but really love them biggest fan but them the collection wanted to show them up saving our wine glasses thought it'd be nice to have a little arrow to show up almost prize Cristal or whatever so this area here again is kind of between having a wet top or having even more drawer cabinets I want an extra work table just because always remember it. Every kitchen upper hand there is usually a space that put stuff that you really look at where got to put it somewhere that kind of this area nice and turning right now and try to make sure that not too much stuff gets put but it is kind of nice to keep a fruit bowl this is a beautiful bowl that got in Morocco handled in a market in Marrakesh and brought this home with us so it's a really cool feature fought with this delicious science where did you get that from a small independent shop called Oklahoma in Manchester and and then have the Kenwood Kay mix because think it's a really nice feature to have on show and so that aside actually use it loads any time making banana bread or any sort of tape use this just cuz to it's just a nice want to be able to use.

So this is a really cool space and area again these are drawers filled with stuff so much stuff and then believe here all as long as the groom but again it's just there on witter crap to put it kindly these are some of the more exciting areas where keep our food keeping this as realistic as possible haven't tied at this for you well this is this is kind of the overall feel of this keep wet goods in this bit dried goods in this bit as a few things that are in the wrong place right. Now know that and then up got the teas coffees and milks and big fans of Oatley again in organization see and I start to put local date in and got even more on the way so this is start looking a lot more organized soon but just to show this is where keep all of our food that need to go in the fridge and then down again it's just more insane cereals and then got two draws one of which will keep all the pastures all arises and then in this one is more supplements and protein shake powders and things that it's nicely all took place. So though this is a kind of bits and bobs pose in extra features are the lights that a huge fan of think it really to be feel and styling have those two lamps as well that are up off the shelves both from about those all at the same time the artwork from dicenio it's not quite difficult to choose what kind of artwork to have in a kitchen want to be too cliche but then something a bit more abstract too look a bit odd in the kitchen mean these they've got that an horticultural the right word style to them they almost look some more scientific style drawings a fruit and veg and yeah these think works so well on it for show our radiator have this put in so it matched the aesthetics and went with this gold brass style finish got this from bisque radiators and literally know how but it matches the gold of the stools almost as if they were sprayed at the exact. same time in the same factory which baffles but so pleased these stools thrilled with the deep blue with the brass could not fit more perfectly in and the velvet finish. As well and so comfortable of course leave a in the description for all these little bits and bobs in case interested have the just in case get chilly because it does get a little bit cold in here honest especially such an open space into the Orangery shut a larger that too much give a fact and the last thing showing over the laundry room or the utility room in the UK so again the exact same style of cupboards and cabinetry.

Which is that very chic style vibe and the mcmartin handles in hemorrhoids for a single sink again it kind of matches with the other ones but only need to smooth a little bit smaller in here the same parent and roll tap surface with all matches instead in and went for pigeons with feral boar pigeon. which is the colour of the utility room which think contrasts and complements beautifully with the blue that the blue in there is throwing ball railings if you haven't already guessed so railings in the kitchen and pigeon in here a lady Mehsud knew the day and said she was thinking about pigeon but been told it's a bit dull completely disagree think it's such a subtle sage green tone and it worked perfectly in here there is quite light it's not always this bright but also so happy that work with this tone think it's a gorgeous utility color the same way come our way through integrates perfectly through into this room this basket is from Zara believe knew this for when folding up any of our laundry has carried upstairs super easy the boilers stored away in so that's nice and tucked away and then again integrated in got the right good and went for these silver eco bubble wands from Samsung just because to be honest really the aesthetics of them the silver with the blue think they do the exact same one put in a white but there does nicely fitted in and all just tucked away again think that's a common theme in everything is just very packed in and the space is made soft and the artwork in are some posters it was a project worked on with Bulgari and they had made these posters to go alongside that project and really them. So the board routine managed to sauce some florals they could swallow down a bit in the frame if need to hoist them up a bit but they work quite nicely it's a bit of extra color on the walls. so think that everything to be honest in this room the floor the floor is project flooring this is distressed oak got quite a few different colors that look very similar and distressed oak and it shows it very ashy thought something that would be a bit richer while orange toned would be to contrasting.

With the blue so the ash leanness it say the one regret at this kitchen it's not putting underfloor heating in this kitchen and think the reason is because it's such a big space at the time was paying for the kitchen thought that is a huge expense extra in hindsight wish just paid it and got it done because think it would have really added to it this room with how chilly. It can be so that would be one tip would say is if got something in mind that think you want to do it most just go for it before you can't change it so that was our full kitchen and laundry room tour.



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