There are few household kitchen appliances as important and frequently used as refrigerators. No matter your living situation, the amount of time you spend at home, or your place in the family, you probably visit this type of machine several times each day. Every machine will eventually put itself out of use, but being conscious of a few things can help prolong the life of your refrigerator. Here are some maintenance tips for refrigerators to ensure their longevity.
• Keep the machine level: The first thing to be aware of for the best refrigerator operation is its physical placement. It is important to keep the machine level, so you may want to check your kitchen’s ground characteristics before choosing a spot. Do not be afraid to use risers on one or more corners if they will create a more even surface.
• Leave it some “breathing room”: You also want to make sure to leave enough room around the edges of the machine. Allowing space between the refrigerator and walls, cabinets, or ceilings around it will allow air to flow away freely, keeping the machine at an efficient operating temperature.
• Connect to a Good Electrical Outlet: Always be sure to plug your refrigerator into a good outlet. Since it is a valuable machine that uses a great deal of energy, you want to be able to trust in a good flow of electricity. With that being said, avoid the use of extension cords. This is simply another chance for electricity malfunction, and reducing the amount of cords around the machine is a safer practice in itself.
• Clean your Door Seals: An occasional cleaning of these is quite easy, yet very important to the refrigerator’s conservation. Dirty door seals will often get stiff and crack, compromising the machine’s ability to lock in cool air. This is obviously not ideal for the most efficient operation of your refrigerator, so wipe them down every so often.
• Clean the Refrigerator’s coils: Found underneath the machine, the refrigerator coils are great at collecting pet hair, dust, and other dirt that cannot be seen without moving the refrigerator. It is best to intermittently unplug the machine and brush the coils off – this will reduce the risk of too much heat build-up and allow for more efficient operation in general.
• Clean the Drain Pan: Also located underneath the refrigerator, the drain pan collects water that drips out of the machine. Since it is essentially standing water, an unmonitored drain pan runs the risk of becoming moldy. However, occasionally dumping the water and sterilizing the pan can easily avoid this foul outcome.
Again, every appliance will acquire some problems over time, but don’t get yourself into a refrigerator predicament before absolutely necessary! By stationing the machine appropriately and performing these routine maintenance tasks, you can more effectively avoid expensive repairs and enjoy the proper functioning of your refrigerator.
Christmas lights are everyone’s favorite holiday decoration. They are a must-have decorative element for Christmas in almost every house. Few families don’t use xmas holiday lights, but most of them stick to traditional ideas. We suggest that this holiday season you think outside the box and come up with new uses for Christmas lights.
• night light – fill a large Mason jar with a strand or two of battery-powered lights to add a whimsy to a walkway or a nightstand.
• space illuminator – for surer footing on trips to the basement, run holiday lights along the edge of stairs using duct tape. They are also handy for brightening up a dark closet (one with an electrical outlet, of course).
• track lighting – kitchen reno on the back burner? for cheap and cheerful track lighting, attach adhesive Christmas light clips (available at hardware stores) to the bottoms of cabinets, then thread the string of holiday lights through.
• party flair – for a summer shindig, wind strings of holiday lights around the legs of your outdoor table, then cover the table with a white cloth. When night falls, it will emit a soft glow – and your guests won’t be left in the dark. (You can also try this indoors. Just keep the other lights on low.)
And some other unusual ideas are illustrated in the pictures below.
I hope these creative ideas will help you save money on Christmas home decorating and inspire you to.